Salt water views
# | Posted in Real Time by Bas at Nov, 17 - 08:09 AM | Comments (0)

Aboard Air Berlin 8568 - As we are passing Casablanca, the waves of the Atlantic Ocean seem almost frozen in the bright morning sun. They also look less impressive than they will be once I'm surrounded by them, instead of looking down on the ocean from 37,000 feet in the sky.

Yesterday, Chris drove me to rainy D�sseldorf. After checking in my bags, we stayed at the Holiday Inn close to the airport. And quite a nice stay it was, although the homebrew Croatian 'Schnapps' the bartender poured us made the 4 o'clock wake-up call a bit hard to handle. But we made it to the airport way before our usual "last call for boarding", so we had plenty of time for tearful goodbye-hugs&kisses.
Take care, my love. And cry no more, for I will come home to you from across that ocean, even if I'll have to swim it. (And you do know just what a lousy swimmer I am. ;-)

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