Plenty of pictures
# | Posted in Real Time by Bas at Jan, 07 - 11:32 PM | Comments (2)
And here they are. (It's a big load again.)

KeeS with a new nose mast

First shoppings

Puerto Calero, Lanzarote

Danny and Bas in Puerto Calero, Lanzarote

Leaving Puerto Calero, Lanzarote

Cutting our jambon 'Boudewijn'

More shopping at Las Palmas, Gran canaria

Leaving Las Palmas, Gran canaria

Leaving Las Palmas, Gran canaria

Sunset over the port in Pasito Bianco, Gran Canaria

The Crew in Pasito Bianco, Gran Canaria

The mast is still up

More appartments along the shore of Los Gigantes, Tenerife

A catamaran treating tourists on a sunset cruise

Rob as St.Nicolaas

Leaving Los Gigantes, Gran Canaria

Sunset on the ocean

Last glimpse of land: Lo Hierro

Sunrise on the ocean

Dressed up for a nightly squall

A rainbow between Rob & Andr�

Andre giving me a salt water shower

Nightly visitor, found on deck

Sunset with the Cape Verdes in sight

Sunrise in Porto Grande, Mindelo

Colorful Porto Grande, Mindelo

Cafe Royal in Porto Grande, Mindelo

KeeS in Porto Grande, Mindelo

Clube Nautico in Porto Grande, Mindelo

Leaving Porto Grande, Mindelo

Dolphins in the morning

Dolphins in the morning

Repairs on the ocean

Thinking about you...

Look dad, I caught one again!

Rob and I preparing dinner

Christmas Eve drinks

Christmas desert

Ocean view

Ocean view

Leftover pizza (GOOD!)

Rob and I changing the genoa

Sunset acrobatics

KeeS clearing customs in Barbados

Bridgetown, Barbados

Going for "The Boatyard" bay, Barbados

Postcards from Barbados I

Postcards from Barbados II

From the plane: Find KeeS in the bay

From the plane: Approaching St.Lucia

From the plane: Clear for landing on St.Lucia

From the plane: Martinique
+ | Posted by bertboerland on Jan, 11 - 06:50 PM

ik wist niet dat je van een zoute does een geblende snikkel kreeg? :-)

+ | Posted by Henk Martens on Mar, 09 - 08:17 PM

Hallo Bas,

Leuke foto's. Alleen jammer dat ze wat klein zijn. behalve de eerste lukt het me niet om ze te vergroten, maar dat zal wel aan mij liggen.



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